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Alpha Epsilon Phi participates in primary recruitment each fall. For more information and to register, please visit this link:

Interested in going through recruitment in an informal way? Contact us for information on COB and secondary recruitment! Email us at






Why AEPhi? 

You may be asking yourself, why Alpha Epsilon Phi? Read on to see what some of our members have to say!





"Why AEPhi? Because it has brought out the best in me. AEPhi has simultaneously made me into a more confident, independent person and connected me to an unbelievable group of girls. AEPhi is more than a sorority; it is a once-in-a-lifetime chance at some of the best friends and experiences a girl can ask for. That’s why."

"Because there's always someone who has my back; always someone to lean on. The amount of support and encouragement that surrounds me is unmatched by anything else. AEPhi really is my home away from home."

"AEPhi is so much more than a student organization or a group of friends. It is a group of driven and inspiring women that you know will always be there for you. It is a community that you can come home to every day. It is a family to celebrate the good times and get support through the bad. It is knowing that in 10, 20, or even 50 years that I will have sisters to share old memories and make new ones."


"This group of women makes college a whole different experience that I would not obtain if I did not join! These are my future bridesmaids and I cannot wait to experience the rest of life with them!"

Contact our Recruitment Chair 


"AEPhi will always be a place that I can come back to and feel at home. The values that AEPHI has taught me will last a lifetime and I will give credit to this incredible sorority."


If you have any recruitment suggestions, recommendations, questions feel free to email us at

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